With the rise of social media, I think most of us have compared ourselves to what we see on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to name a few.
We compare looks, feelings, thoughts, abilities and social progress just by what we see published online.
A while back a friend saw wedding pictures of her ex looking happy with his new wife. This made her feel low because she compared her self-worth by looking at someone else’s posed and selected (probably over many hours) photographs of happy contented people enjoying a wedding.
She compared herself to her ex and how very different their situations now were, as she was single and unhappy in her job.
But everyone has their own issues, worries and challenges to face and if she was to look behind the carefully chosen posted photographs, she would find the same issues, worries and fears that affect us all.
So instead of comparing yourself to others on social media, remember you are comparing what little bit of their life they are sharing about themselves with you online, to all there is about you in your life that’s not online.
Also remember you are a unique individual who is moving forward gaining knowledge from how others do things.
You are learning from them what’s right for you, so you get to feel better about comparing yourself to others in a positive way.