What is mental health and emotional well-being?
We all have mental health and emotional well-being, just as we all have physical health. Being mentally and emotionally healthy means that:
- we feel good about ourselves
- we can make and keep positive relationships with others
- we feel able to manage our feelings rather than feeling overwhelmed by them
- we have interests or hobbies that we enjoy
- we feel hopeful and positive about the future.
Good mental and emotional health helps us to cope with life’s ups and downs. Sometimes it’s best to ask for support from others if we need it.
Harm to mental and emotional health
Some things that might harm our mental health are:
- having friendship difficulties such as lots of arguments
- feeling under pressure at school, like during exams
- feeling worried about the health of a friend or family member
- being bullied – in person or online.
Protecting mental and emotional health
Some things that might protect and improve our mental and emotional health are:
- having a close friend you trust, or a supportive group of friends
- having a teacher or other staff member at school you can go to if you need help
- enjoying time at home with your family
- having hobbies or interests you enjoy taking part in
- eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of sleep.
It is important to remember that, just as our mental and emotional health can suffer during difficult times in our life, it can also recover.
Tips for how to look after your mental health and emotional well-being
Here is some advice on what you can do every day to help look after your mental health and emotional well-being.
Write down how you feel
Some young people find keeping a ‘mood diary’ or ‘worry book’ helpful to record how they feel on different days and identify any patterns which might explain what is upsetting them.
Help others who are struggling
If you know that someone else in your friendship group is also finding things difficult, reach out to them and see if you can support each other. Helping someone else can help you feel better too.
Be kind to yourself
When times are hard, it’s important to be extra kind to yourself, just as you would be kind to a friend in need. Think about what you might find comforting – reading a favourite book, playing your favourite music, watching a film you enjoy with a friend or parent/carer or go for a walk to clear your head.
Speak to someone you trust
One of the most important things you can do is to speak to someone rather than ‘bottling up’ your feelings inside yourself. Choose a close friend, family member, a teacher, other school staff member or professional coach you have built a relationship with, to share your worries with.
Always ask for help