It’s that time of year again when the children in Reception class through to Year 5 worry about transition, moving on to a new class, with a new teacher and maybe being in a new classroom.
Year 6 worry about becoming Year 7 and going to a completely new school with a whole new routine.
The new Year 7’s will have to be responsible for getting themselves on the bus, navigating timetables, finding classrooms, homework, PE kit, etc.
“How can parents help?” Is something I have been asked by a parent last week
- Alleviate Fears
Make sure your child knows how to buy their lunch and where the toilets are as ALL Year 6 children worry about this.
- Teach Resilience
Build your child’s confidence so they have good self-esteem and are better able to make good choices under peer pressure, ensure they can confidently approach adults for support and can be self-sufficient in their learning.
Transition is a developmentally sensitive and challenging time for children when they are seeking greater independence. They will be looking for approval and support from peers and are beginning to explore who they are.
Tread carefully!!