Could Do Better

By now, most schools will have had there first parents evening of the year. My school report said ‘could do better’ many times!! I meet people who say “it is what it is, it’s fine and I’m just me” all the time. These people are living their lives and doing their jobs. They don’t give […]

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The death of a dearly loved family member, a beloved one or much loved one, will be one of the biggest emotional challenges you will ever have to face in your life. Your emotions are you own and you have responsibility for them. It’s up to you how you deal with any sadness, hurt or […]

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Anti Bullying Week

This nationwide event (11th – 15th November 2019) was organised by the Anti Bullying Alliance to raise awareness of bullying among children, especially in schools. This years focus was demonstrating different ways to support children and young people and provide ways to allow them to talk about any issue they may have around bullying. The […]

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Brick Wall

Think of your self esteem as a brick wall. When you add the bricks and mortar to the wall you are literally building your general mental health. With each brick added the wall becomes bigger and stronger and less likely to crumble and fall down. You are building your self esteem and adding all the […]

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Are You Your Own Worst Enemy

Who has heard that saying? How many times have you thought it in your head? That is the power of self talk. Allowing the voice in your head to be judge and juror when something has gone well and you feel happy, and making you feel worthless or useless with a feeling of stupid thrown […]

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Negative Emotion

We all experience negativity and negative emotions from time to time. These thoughts and feelings can bring about a sadness, anger or a depressive state. They can be debilitating and destructive to our mental health. You have all the resources, parts and superpowers you need in reality and you are not powerless as you think […]

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Control How You Feel

How come some people can make you feel nervous or anxious? The feelings come from association with something that’s happened in the past, which triggers a response in you. You can change how you think of that person by changing the image, changing the size, changing the colour and changing the shape of whatever it […]

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