From Primary to Secondary

The move from Year 6 in primary school to Year 7 at secondary school can be a stressful time for anyone. But it can be especially difficult for those with special educational needs (SEN), disabilities or learning difficulties. This is because primary schools usually have the same teacher in the same classroom throughout the year. […]

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My Go to Place

Most people who know me, know that my place is Felixstowe. I go to my very special place as it’s the place that allows me to feel calm and be the happiest I can be and can take me away from stressful situations just by thinking about it. I anchored this so that I can […]

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It’s that time of year again when the children in Reception class through to Year 5 worry about transition, moving on to a new class, with a new teacher and maybe being in a new classroom. Year 6 worry about becoming Year 7 and going to a completely new school with a whole new routine. […]

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Another Ollie coach sent this to me and i’m sharing it with you because it sums up the situation for my clients, that change will happen and that you can grow and develop into who you want to be. […]

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When you are ready to try something new, you need to spread your wings if you really want to fly. These are some of the things you could do to achieve personal growth: visit new places try new things experience the unknown be ok with making mistakes take risks …if you do try these things […]

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Do I Want What’s Good for my Child or Best?

Parents will advise their children to pursue the safe, predictable and practical route, that’s only natural. They do this because they don’t want their children to experience uncertainty, pain or discomfort. Parents are the ultimate protectors. This is ok and is a good path, but is it the BEST path? Quite often it’s a ‘NO’ […]

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The First Step

‘Stand tall among the trees’ resonates with me because it is the stepping stone to confidence as trees are firmly anchored in the Earth. Having gained in confidence you realise you are as good as others and capable of standing among them as an equal. The first step is the one to take, and is […]

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